• Svenska

Security Assessment

Security assessment for positions that is classified as a part of the Swedish Security Protection Act. The security assessment consists of a background screening with subsequent analyzes and interviews with the candidate. The methodology is based on the directives for security testing, the Security Protection Act and the Security Protection Regulation.

Background Screening

As a basis for the interview, a Background Screening is carried out, it contains following information areas: personal information, personal financial situation, legal cases, representative assignments, social media and other media exposure and CV verification.

Deviation Analysis

The background screening is analyzed against the risk profile and deviations are noted. The interview is planned based on the risk profile, the information collected and the deviations that are listed.

Security interview

The interview is for following three purposes: the person’s truthfulness, primary / secondary risks in relation to the risk analysis and the person’s approach to risks in relation to the risk analysis and the person’s approach to risks. The safety interviews are preferably kept on a neutral location. The interview is held by two experienced interviewers, the time is about 1.5 hours. It is optional if the interview is recorded or not.

Examples of information areas: Drugs, Economy, Interests, Conflicts of Interest, Contacts, Personalities, Previous activities, social activities, education, international travel, international service

Analysis and report

Analysis after completed interviews takes place in two steps. An analysis is given via an immediate verbal report to the client and a written report which is reported to the customer at a meeting, handed over in a paper format.

Contact us

We think the word background checks may be one of the most misunderstood words in the Swedish HR industry. The most common misconception is that background checks are the same as a control against a police register or a credit check. It is so far from the truth that one can come.

The customers we have worked with over the last few years often think that they know what kind of background control they want to do, but after we have discussed, the assignment often has become something else.

If you have an upcoming recruitment or if you want to know more about how to make a safer recruitment decision – give us a call!

08-528 009 60